Inflammatory bowel disease is a general term used for chronic inflammatory disorders of unknown origin involving the GI tract.
It can be broadly classified into Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
There is more occurrence of these complaints between the age of 15 to 35 years.
There is a family history of IBD in 2-5% of persons suffering from Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis.
The actual cause of IBD is unknown but certain features can suggest genetic, infectious, immunologic, and psychological factors.
In ulcerative colitis, there is an inflammatory reaction in the mucosa of the colon, whereas Crohn’s disease involves all the layers of the intestinal wall involving the mesentery and regional lymph node
Crohn’s Symptoms are:
- Diarrhoea
- Rectal bleeding.
- Abdominal pain.
- Palpable mass
- Fistulas
- Strictures
- Small bowel involvement.
- Rectal involvement.
- Extracolonic disease.
- Recurrence after colectomy is occasional.
- Toxic megacolon and malignancy can be rare
Ulcerative colitis symptoms are:
- Diarrhoea.
2. Rectal bleeding.
3. Rectal involvement.
Abdominal pain, strictures, extracolonic disease, toxic megacolon, and malignancy can be occasional.
Recurrence after colectomy and palpable mass are rare.
We at The Art Of Homeopathy provide the best treatment for Crohn’s disease and the best treatment for ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease treatment provided by our clinic is unique, we take the total cases in detail and analyze and start our treatment that the patient is bound to get the results.
Mrs. V aged 47 years old, Female. Consulted us online.
A known case of Crohn’s 20 years underwent surgery but no relief started with biologics with no relief, came presenting with the heaviness of the abdomen, weakness, breathlessness, and frequent blood transfusions.
P/H : TB treatment due to the wrong diagnosis.
F/H: Father has ca stomach. My elder sister has a psychiatric complaint. Husband suffering from RCC.
T/H: allopathy and surgery.
Physical generals: cannot tolerate cold+++, likes bathing with warm water throughout the year. doesn’t like fans but wants open air.
Likes warm drinks and food. Desires sweets++
Thirst-1-2 lit; Appetite:Good; Bowels:regular;Sleep:refreshing; Urine:5/d; Periods:regular.
Father is a retd railway employee, mother housewife, one elder sister, and one younger sister.
Husband works for a public sector company and has two kids.
Mentals: not sensitive, very practical, stable-minded, not open regarding her feelings, weak memory, likes being alone, not ambitious, cannot take contradictions+, fears at health.
She was prescribed based on her physical generals, mental generals, and family history. Homeopathic medicine was prescribed and her quality of life has increased and she is leading a happy life.
If you are suffering from Ulcerative Colitis And Crohn’s Disease then don’t worry. Contact to the best homeopathy doctor in Hyderabad.